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Bupa Arabia Health Insurance Plans

Bupa is actually founded in 1947 as a UK-based IPS health care company, in 1997 Bupa Arabia came into existence through a joint venture between Bupa and Nazer Group. In 2008 Bupa Arabia goes public with having the most well-established IPO in Saudi History. Present in the property, personal, and health insurance markets, Bupa Arabia offers innovative solutions to all those who wish to protect themselves and anticipate tomorrow.

Driven by the mutualist values ​​of Bupa Arabia embody and defend a fair and equitable vision of insurance, with a conviction: protection against the risks of today and tomorrow cannot be as collective and united. To achieve its objectives, Bupa Arabia is building its strategy on two strong and differentiating pillars: being a maker of simplicity and a generator of solidarity. Because none of our policyholders has to give up treatment for financial reasons, Bupa Arabia health Insurance has for years offered negotiated rates with numerous partners, which can go as far as full coverage for most treatments.
A daily struggle that leads us today to be a major player in Health Insurance in Saudi Arabia.

Bupa Arabia is also convinced that technological and medical advances should benefit everyone. Thus, each step forward supports our offers in our objective of quality and innovation. We are thus the first KSA to take charge, for the beneficiaries of a complementary health contract, of 3D Visible Patient medical imaging technology, making it possible to significantly improve the diagnosis, to specify the surgical procedure, and to increase the chances of success of certain surgical procedures.

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Innovation and the use of digital technologies are all tools that should make life easier for our policyholders and the daily work of our customer advisers. It is on the strength of this conviction carried by all of Bupa Arabia, by placing people at the heart of their strategy, that Bupa Arabia Insurance companies are pursuing their digital transformation. With one goal: to offer policyholders simple and intuitive services, with high added value, for a unique experience, from underwriting to claims management. An innovative insurer, Bupa Arabia, for example, allows claims to be reported online or provides you with medical e-acceptance for insurance.

Bupa Arabia is fully aware of the social and societal role that an insurance company must play. Concrete actions are thus carried out in favor of professional equality and training, and an active approach is pursued to promote the quality of life at work; an approach also supported by Bupa Arabia.

Faithful to its mutualist values, Bupa Arabia also implements a committed social and environmental responsibility policy. This approach, which demonstrates our commitment to the major ecological and societal challenges of today, is also deployed in our investment policy, via a so-called ESG (Environment, Social, Good Governance) approach. This aims in particular to favor investments that respect the environment and good social practices. In response to the challenges posed by our social protection system, our commitment also involves our promises of solidarity actions for prevention and the health of all.

Tebtom Healthcare Services:

To protect you … and protect the future of your loved ones! Tebtom Healthcare Companion is ready to serve you.

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With simple and very protective offers, Bupa Arabia is committed to simplifying your daily life, while affirming our mutual solidarity. These programs meet all of your protection needs: yours, that of your family, and that of your employees.  Whenever you decided to take step forward in Bupa Arabia Cummunity through any of health care program, you will be automatically become a participant in the Bupa Tebtom program without any fees. 

The Rahatkom Program:

This program is intiated to make hospital visit expericence relaxing and less stressful whenever you need bupa insurance where you will be facilited. The Rahatkom Program has quick coverage, on site hospitlization managment and services after patient admitted to hospital.

By using Rahatkom Bupa Arabia insurs that your waiting time will be less than 50%, Bupa Arabia staff is always ready at various locations and within hospitals. There is also a Bupa Arabia mobile team to facilitate you where it matters the most. Our delegate tries to position you with best doctors across top hospitals in Saudi Arabia.

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